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Home Study Reiki

10th Annual Holiday Toy Drive

The Toy Drive is Closed, but you can still get healing for the here to sign up 

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When I was a child, we were financially challenged. Every Christmas, my mother would tell me "I don't know if there will be a Christmas this year." I know she always stressed about money, but it wasn't very conscious of her to tell me that...I feel it's a stress a child doesn't need.  I know there are other, more important things happening in this world, but to a child, Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) is a big deal, and I just can't stand the thought of a child being left out at holiday time.  

Soooo, as I do every year, I'm doing a healing/fundraiser to see what we can do to make life a little better for some children (and their parents who are struggling to get by).  Donate any amount and I'll include you in a special healing I'm doing for the Solar Eclipse on December 4th100% of your donation will be used to buy toys which will be donated to the Spark of Love Toy Drive (which is ultimately distributed by Toys for Tots).  I pay all fees and expenses incurred.  Last year, we raised more than $3500...Let's smash that number this year!


Eclipses mark beginnings and endings and can be very powerful, volatile and/or times.  The energy can also be utilized to bring in greater healing energies than normal.  As I do from time to time, I'm doing a healing by donation..Donate ANY AMOUNT to be included!

Sorry, the Eclipse Healing is closed, but the fundraiser continues!  The Next (and final) Healing for the toy drive will be for the Solstice on December 21st.  Donate any amount to be included.

Donate Any Amount

Be Included in the December 4th Solar Eclipse Healing

Donate $20

  • Be Included in the December 4th Solar Eclipse Healing

  • Receive my Repolarization Meditation

Donate $40

  • Be Included in the December 4th Eclipse Healing

  • Receive my Repolarization Meditation

  • Receive a Chrysocolla Gemstone Polished by me and charged in my labyrinth...They're energy is magnificent!

Donate $75

  • Be Included in the December 4th Eclipse Healing

  • Receive my Repolarization Meditation

  • Receive a Chrysocolla Gemstone Polished by me and charged in my labyrinth...They're energy is magnificent!

  • Receive my Reiki Level 1 Course

  • Inclusion in another Healing for the Winter Solstice, Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Photos from previous years' toy drives

*contingency plan...Although I've always delivered before and fully expect to deliver this year as well, I think we can all agree we are living in unprecedented times.  Supply chains have been disrupted, inventories are low in some places, lockdowns are happening sporadically around the world.  In the event I'm not able to purchase enough toys, any money remaining will donated to a local food pantry to feed the homeless.

Thank You So Much for Your Generous Donations!

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